North America Frozen Vegetables Market Outlook (2018 to 2032)
The above chart is North America Frozen Vegetables Market Outlook (2018 to 2032)
Market Dynamics
north america’s frozen vegetable market has enjoyed steady growth over the past several years and is expected to continue to grow into the future. in 2018, demand for frozen vegetables across north america is anticipated to remain high as consumers continue to search for convenient and healthy snack and meal options.
the frozen vegetable market in north america is driven largely by an increase in consumer preferences for convenience and cost-effectiveness. consumers today are looking for convenient foods that provide them with a healthy and balanced diet, while also offering value for money. frozen vegetables provide this balance by coming in pre-packaged and ready-to-eat form, eliminating the need for additional time spent preparing fresh vegetables. in addition, frozen vegetables are priced lower than the fresh equivalents, making them even more cost-effective.
as convenience, taste, and nutrition all factor into consumer decisions, manufacturers of frozen vegetables in north america are beginning to offer a wider variety of selections. this includes a greater selection of organic, non-gmo, and vegan options, making them more appealing to health-conscious consumers. those looking for convenience are still able to find plenty of options such as single-serve packets and microwaveable single-serving meals.
in addition, manufacturers are investing in marketing campaigns to target consumers who may be dissuaded by the thought of eating frozen vegetables. manufacturers are looking to showcase convenience and health benefits to sway consumer opinion in hope that they will see frozen vegetables as a viable solution to their needs.
in terms of competition, many manufacturers are seeking to differentiate themselves from competitors using packaging, branding, and flavor selection. private-label producers particularly have been enjoying gains in market share in recent years, catering to cost-conscious consumers.
overall, north america’s frozen vegetable market is expected to continue to experience healthy growth in the years to come. this will be fueled by a variety of trends such as an increasing consumer preference for convenience, nutritional value, and dietary restrictions. with manufacturers increasingly investing in initiatives to encourage consumption, the frozen vegetable market in north america looks set to continue its rise.